White-and-red image of classic typewriter on black background.

video reviews (9)

Opposing Anarchy, “Defending” Skepticism, and Promoting Life to Liberty-Lovers Gone Wrong

Prospective Remarks This post comprises three sets of remarks: Some concluding comments will follow these three sets of remarks, though I can’t promise those comments will strengthen the linkages between the sets. I can’t even promise that they will attempt to do so. Favoring liberty but opposing anarchy, defending radical skepticism as a coherent and rational choice for unbelievers, and promoting the cause of abortion abolition to atheist empiricists who idolize Ayn…

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2022 Q3 Correspondence, Part 2: Christian Libertarianism Reconsidered

Welcome to the latest collection of my off-site correspondence, including online discussion posts and, possibly, remarks I opted not to post. As previously noted, all posts on this site are snapshots of my thinking at whatever point in time I wrote them. Since I’m always modifying and improving my thinking — or trying to — my current opinions may not precisely match this set of snapshots. The following materials are snapshots from…

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2022 Q3 Correspondence, Part 1: Let Them Live!

Welcome to the latest edition of the series formerly known as “prompted letters,” which chronicles my off-site correspondence with all and sundry. As will be noted in the Pious Eye “About” page when I get around to updating it, all posts on this site are snapshots of my thinking at whatever point in time I wrote down the posted material. Since I’m always modifying and improving my thinking — or trying to…

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Zuhdi Jasser: Is Enlightenment Reason-Worship Cure for Islamism?

Image: Islamic symbol modified for the Pious Eye site by David M. Hodges. Based upon a work by Wikimedia user DonovanCrow, used under the CC BY-SA 4.0 license and available from Wikimedia Commons. In accord with that license, this modified image may itself be used under the same license term. I posted a comment on a YouTube video. As the PC censors at YouTube might not permit these comments to display, I’ll…

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One Lord, One Faith, One Olive Tree

Covenant theology is not “replacement” theology. Its point is that the olive tree that is God’s people, the church, is a single tree, not two trees growing side by side with different promises and different futures (Romans 11). Though I don’t agree with everything in the following video series (the speaker is a Presbyterian and a Theonomist), it contains enough interesting and sound material to merit viewing: Joe Morecraft III lectures on…

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Christ-Centered Hermeneutics: A Binge-Worthy Video Series

While, from a Bible-believing perspective, popular entertainment never merits the “binge-worthy” descriptor, it turns out there are some online resources that do. Combining a speaker’s presentation of sound theology with a digitally generated environment reminiscent of DOS-based computer games, this series from 2006, which I just discovered, is an example: David P. Murray speaks on fundamental issues of biblical hermeneutics (interpretation) for freechurchseminary.org (posted by Stornoway Free Church).

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