Just posted a comment on Craig Huey’s Site Re a Handy Resource
I just posted a comment on Craig Huey’s site concerning a handy resource.
Continue reading...“The communion which holy souls have with God consists in their having an eye of faith towards him, as a God that has an eye of favour towards them. The intercourse is kept up by the eye.” — Matthew Henry
The Pious Eye: Seeing by the True Light site at PiousEye.com had a good run. But it finally became an intolerable drain on the author’s financial resources. This tag identifies posts originating on that site. Links to the old site within those posts will all be updated — eventually.
I just posted a comment on Craig Huey’s site concerning a handy resource.
Continue reading...“…the voice of one crying in the wilderness…”: It’s been a year, but the major parties remain as fiscally irresponsible as ever. Rand Paul’s 2018 plea still resonates: http://ow.ly/Le8030nLfUk.
Continue reading...Image: “All we are saying is give peace a chance. John Lennon,” photo by Kate Ter Haar via Flicker, cropped, resized, and stretched a bit. Used under the Attribution 2.0 Generic Creative Commons license (CC BY 2.0). Advocates of a less interventionist U.S. foreign policy, such as Ron Paul, have long argued that foreign hostility against the United States, and with it attempts by terrorists to attack the U.S., would be much…
Continue reading...Image: based on a Wikimedia Commons photo by Vitold Muratov, used under the Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0 license. Derivative work by David M. Hodges, reusable under the same license terms. On 04 February, I received an interesting fundraising email from the national office of the political party with which I’m affiliated, the Constitution Party. Written by Nicholas Kontgas and titled “Roadmap to Socialism: The Democratic plan to bring about a socialist revolution…
Continue reading...The United States was not founded as just a “representative democracy,” nor is “representative democracy” a synonym for “republic.” The point of the American Republic established by the U.S. Constitution is that free and sovereign individuals ceded to their federal (covenantal) state only a limited, explicitly enumerated, set of powers through that legal document.[1] Ours is, or at its founding was, a government of laws, not of men, whether those men be…
Continue reading...Image: Islamic symbol modified for the Pious Eye site by David M. Hodges. Based upon a work by Wikimedia user DonovanCrow, used under the CC BY-SA 4.0 license and available from Wikimedia Commons. In accord with that license, this modified image may itself be used under the same license term. I posted a comment on a YouTube video. As the PC censors at YouTube might not permit these comments to display, I’ll…
Continue reading...Overview of Services, Skills, and Background Summary A capable editor, rewriter, and writer, I’ve been freelancing for several years, drawing upon my broad educational, vocational, and avocational background, and always striving to optimize my work by approaching it in ways that suit my personality and aptitudes. Currently focused on acquiring and honing coding skills useful for Web development and other programming, and on acquiring projects where I can use these skills, I…
Continue reading...Item 1: Our Drunken Culture Not long before this I had overheard someone mentioning “getting a beer” with a new acquaintance in what has become the standard way males in our culture interact. Apparently, men today find each other too difficult to tolerate without a little alcohol in their systems. Maybe the fact that most of them have been convinced they are the evolved kindred of monkeys and apes, who must always…
Continue reading...Another one for your queue (video or audio): Michael Barrett speaks on the “Tradition, Text, and Translation of the KJV.” Highly recommended.
Continue reading...This is my first entry in the new errata category, which in all likelihood will one day be the category with the most posts. Entries in the category will note instances where I have erred or might have erred in past statements, here on the Pious Eye site or (possibly) elsewhere. Minor errors, such as typos and complex sentences that seem to lose track of where they’re going, will simply be corrected…
Continue reading...Covenant theology is not “replacement” theology. Its point is that the olive tree that is God’s people, the church, is a single tree, not two trees growing side by side with different promises and different futures (Romans 11). Though I don’t agree with everything in the following video series (the speaker is a Presbyterian and a Theonomist), it contains enough interesting and sound material to merit viewing: Joe Morecraft III lectures on…
Continue reading...Another worthwhile theology video for your queue: “The Covenant with Abraham...The Case Against Covenantal Infant Baptism.” Though part of a series, it stands well alone.
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