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Pious Eye: Seeing by the True Light Pious Eye: Seeing by The True Light banner & logo, minus text, © David M. Hodges.

pious eye site archive (181)

“The communion which holy souls have with God consists in their having an eye of faith towards him, as a God that has an eye of favour towards them. The intercourse is kept up by the eye.” — Matthew Henry

The Pious Eye: Seeing by the True Light site at had a good run. But it finally became an intolerable drain on the author’s financial resources. This tag identifies posts originating on that site. Links to the old site within those posts will all be updated — eventually.

Akashic Records Prompt Letters

Since most things that occur to me, and to most people, do turn out to have occurred to someone else before (Ecclesiastes 1:9), I fear I must credit this and all my posts to the mystical Akashic records, that storehouse of all that sentient beings have ever thought or done or experienced….[1] Just kidding. It is past time for a new “[things] prompt letters” post, however. Though I doubtless violate rules of…

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Some Matters of Usage

Some random commentary and other updates follow. Rather than cram all new updates and commentary into a single post, I’ll spread the latest updates over a few posts. I began preparing this post back in early January, but I then set it aside until now; as a result, some items may seem dated, as may items in succeeding posts. Items in this post all relate in some way to English usage or…

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Rhetoric and Cultural Trends Prompt a Sad Farewell, Some Commentary, and a Couple Letters

The relentless march of time continues, making another update necessary. This post is that update. In the items that follow, I bid a sad farewell to the unpeaceable rhetoric of “culture war,” object to the distasteful secular rhetoric of “sex workers,” affirm the right of the people (individuals) to keep and bear arms, condemn public-venue hosting of transvestite events, and make some closing remarks. On 12 October I sent an item to…

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Issues from Race and Religion to Burkinis, Empiricism, and Trump Prompt Letters and More

Introduction and Contents A printed letter objecting to a columnist’s conflation of race and religion; An unprinted letter concerning the latest ultra-rich guy’s call for higher taxes; An unprinted U-T “Your Say” submission suggesting a lesson to be drawn from a tried soldier’s conduct; An unprinted letter drawing the same lesson from the same conduct, but with less detail; Am unprinted letter indicating that the politics of racial identity makes racists of…

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Will, Sensibility, and Tangents

Below: some preliminary remarks on a terminological issue related to a book in progress. The book: George Will’s The Conservative Sensibility (New York: Hachette Books, 2019). The issue: “This is a republic, not a democracy—let’s keep it that way!” to quote a John Birch Society sticker you’ve probably never seen. The content: main remarks and tangents. In The Conservative Sensibility, Will brings together various strands of discussion that have grown in prevalence…

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Compulsiveness Prompts Letters, Emails, and (So Much) More

Welcome to this latest edition in my “...Prompts Letter(s)” series. The materials following should bring you and this site up to date. Not addressed in detail in my various items below, though touched upon by one of them, is the efforts by Democrats to claim the moral high ground based on Trump’s long history of poor personal morals and on the simultaneous widespread support of Trump by self-identified evangelical Christians. As indicated…

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Random Topics Prompt Letters

I’ve continued to enjoy my new letters-to-the-editor hobby, though none of the letters I sent this past week has made it into print. (Nor has any of them shown up on the paper’s Web site, assuming the site’s search function isn’t missing anything.) While my outside-the-mainstream views and direct contradiction of the Opinion page’s editorial staff could play a role, I think the main reason none of this latest batch has been…

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Letters & Longer Item Posted Elsewhere

I took some time to check the San Diego Union-Tribune (SDUT) site to see if any of my printed, or my unprinted, letters or other submissions had ended up being posted there. It turns out a few of the printed ones have (all title are those assigned by the paper’s editors): (1) “Your Say | Facebook’s future? Tech giant brought it on itself” (I meant for this particular tech giant to represent…

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Racialized Open-Border Rhetoric Prompts Letters

My trending-left local paper, the San Diego Union-Tribune (SDUT), sometimes known in the past as the U-T San Diego, recently made a point of selecting syndicated editorials that insist on interpreting all support for physical barriers at the border, and all suggestions that unlimited and uncontrolled immigration might have drawbacks, as racially motivated. I felt obligated to write letters to this paper, unnatural though it is for me to express my thoughts…

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Just How Evil Is Tucker Carlson?

The mainstream media were briefly abuzz last week over left-liberal Media Matters’ unearthing of some old Tucker Carlson audio. Media Matters’ Madeline Peltz begins her related article (topically organized transcript collection) with a summary of Carlson’s bad behavior, part of which reads as follows: Between 2006 and 2011, Tucker Carlson spent approximately an hour a week calling in to Bubba the Love Sponge [BTLS], a popular shock jock radio program where he…

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Bring on the Green NUKE Deal

Re Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal: socialist fever dreams that can never be realized solve nothing. We need a Green Nuke Deal: “nuclear power is the only carbon-free technology that has proven capability, and which is demonstrably scalable at a rate that can contribute significantly to solving the [alleged] climate problem [assuming it exists and is caused and solvable by humans]”(Tom M. L. Wigley, Ph.D., meteorologist and theoretical physicist, Nuclear Energy Fact…

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