White-and-red image of classic typewriter on black background.

impious thinking | unbelief (42)

Bad Times at Grifols Biomat: Local Business Reviewed

Though only some remarks after “One final bit of irritation” are relevant to the Pious Eye site’s purpose, I’ve found no review site that will keep something of this length posted. Besides, Pious Eye is also my personal blog (at times, after a fashion), and this is a bit of my recent personal history. On the 5-star rating system standard to review sites, I give two stars to the Biomat Plasma Center…

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Don't Let Addiction to “Addiction” Cloud Your Reasoning

Christians active in the battle against pornography have lately been excited by news of a not-yet-peer-reviewed Cambridge study popularly reported to prove that “porn addiction” is as real as addiction to drugs or alcohol. When I first heard about this (in an email from Breakpoint), I was skeptical, since I recalled (or thought I recalled!) from a couple Physiological Psychology courses that alcohol and drugs don't just prompt certain patterns of brain…

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Designed to Renew Your Mind: Guliuzza's Creation Apologetics

Yesterday (Saturday 28 September 2013), the creation museum in my area held its yearly “Museum Day.” Though the event ran from 9 AM to 6 PM, with presentations by a range of speakers from Gary Parker to John Morris to Ray Comfort, I only managed to attend a single presentation: Randy Guliuzza's “Creation Apologetics.” Dr. Guliuzza is both a Medical Doctor (M.D.) and an Engineer (P.E.), and the title “Creation Apologetics” falls…

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Swanson's Apostate: Merits Reading, Could Be Better

Note: Direct links to specific paragraphs may not work. Most of the anchors for these direct links were created by code I wrote for the Pious Eye site and had run when pages loaded. As my new site is static, dynamic coding from the old site has gone away. I apologize for any inconvenience. If and when time permits, I’ll manually fix some of these issues. — D.M.H. Swanson, Kevin. Apostate: The…

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Petty's Little Black Book of Compromise: Science and God

Petty, Scott. Science and God. Little Black Books. Kingsford, Australia: Matthias Media, 2011. Paperback. 108 pages. ISBN 978-1-921896-19-4. Rating on 5-star scale: 2 stars. Promoters identify Science and God as intended for Christian youth between the ages of 14 and 20. Its author, Scott Petty, is a youth minister in Sydney, which seems to support this identification. So, if you’re the parent or friend of a 14-20 year old, or if you’re…

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Mary Elizabeth "Kill 'Em All, Let God Sort 'Em Out" Williams

I just posted a comment on a Salon.com article by Mary Elizabeth “Kill ’Em All, Let God Sort ’Em Out” Williams. My comment should appear here, but my own testing of the link has not yielded positive results. If your results are equally bad, feel free to simply read my comment below. “Yet,” Williams writes, “a fetus can be a human life without having the same rights as the woman in whose…

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Confucius Say: “Gay Marriage” Debate Not About Rights

This was created as an op-ed for the U-T San Diego, my local paper, and posted here as a draft on the same day I emailed it to the U-T (that is, 08 December 2012, the day of the U-T article that prompted my remarks). It would not be made visible here until I either got some sort of response from the U-T or decided that a positive response was unlikely. One…

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Evolution Important To Engineering? Nye Says Yea, Ham Nay.

Ken Ham, founder of Answers in Genesis and one of Pious Eye's heroes, responds to Bill Nye, "The Science Guy," who claims (among other things) that teaching evolution to kids is important because we need engineers. Apparently, Nye believes that teaching children evolutionary stories about the past will make them better equipped to learn engineering in the present. Ham doesn't buy it. Sharing a video: Ken Ham Responds to Bill Nye "The…

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Looking Inward Is Not The Path To Piety

Richard Ganz condemns the growing popularity in Christian circles of such self-exploratory therapies as “healing of memories,” which Pious Eye would note (from his own observation and experience) seem very popular in seminary “spiritual formation” courses. (Politically correct lamenting over, and inculcation of personal guilt for, various social inequities one personally has neither contributed to nor [so far as one can discern] benefited from, also seems very popular in such courses...but that…

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Shrinks A Sign of Shrinking Piety?

Martin and Deidre Bobgan assert that the prudent course for the pious is to choose biblical counseling over either secular psychotherapy or the many biblical-secular/pious-impious hybridizations offered as “Christian”” psychotherapy. Do you (like Pious Eye) think they‘re right? Or do you think the Bobgans (and Pious Eye) need “professional help”?

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Hermeneutical Maxim (Against Various "Wax Nose" Hermeneutics)

No matter how clever, sophisticated, erudite, linguistically astute, or stunningly beautiful in its complexity your interpretive scheme may be, if it requires you to ignore or dismiss patently clear passages of Scripture, or to interpret them to mean what any honest reader will admit they do not mean, your interpretive scheme cannot be correct.

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About Pious Eye (Legacy)

This site’s old “About” was a depressing piece of business, no doubt about it. Though my convictions were strong, I was “not a happy camper.” Truth be told, I remain a melancholy individual. Except for some alleged cheerfulness during infancy, in fact, I’ve always been such. I don’t foresee this changing radically in the future. — D.M.H., 03 May 2024< Though for a time the site’s founder made an effort to cultivate…

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