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faith and reason (63)

Impious Ethics (Still) Impossible

In To Be As God: A Study of Modern Thought Since The Marquis de Sade (Ross House, 2003) Rousas John Rushdoony reiterates how the consistent immorality of the Marquis de Sade is the course most logically consistent with unbelief. Because [the Marquis de] Sade was so consistently evil, he was more logical than most evil men and most churchmen, whose inconsistent profession of Christianity blurs their vision badly. Sade’s fundamental premise in…

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In Search of The Soul

Originally prepared March 2007 for a course at Bethel Seminary San Diego. In Search of the Soul: Four Views of The Mind-Body Problem, Edited by Joel B. Green & Stuart L. Palmer. Downers Grover: InterVarsity, 2005. Pp. 223. Paper. ISBN 0-8308-2773-0. 1, 2 Editor Joel B. Green opens the collection with an essay that introduces readers to the mind-body problem by surveying some relevant findings and opinions from neuroscience, philosophy, biblical studies,…

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No Piety, No Unity; Know Piety, Know Unity

When essential bricks are left out, the wall cannot stand. Do better. Cornelius Van Til, in The Defense of The Faith (Presbyterian and Reformed, 3rd revised edition, 1967), describes how any unity of thought and experience that the impious (unbelievers) claim is illusory. At least, any unbelieving basis claimed for such unity is illusory, though a degree of unity at odds with unbelief, “a shadow unity,” is inevitably retained. And so it…

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