"Yes, we’re open" sign.

comprehensive freelance services (3)

Yes, David M. Hodges is open for business. Now accepting job offers and project proposals.

Image: shallow-focus photo of white open signage, a free-to-use Pexels image by Tim Mossholder.

Personal-Finance Writing for SuperMoney

For a time, I earned part of my freelance income providing editing services, and doing some writing, for the personal-finance site SuperMoney. This document links you to archival copies of my writing for that site. Though I’ve included links to some of my more involved SuperMoney writing on the scholarly and technical editing page, the target audience for SuperMoney materials was a general rather than scholarly or technical readership. Thus, these samples…

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Scholarly & Technical Editing

So, is David M. Hodges qualified to do scholarly or technical editing & writing? Hiring minds want to know. See below ⬇ & decide for yourself. Introduction Some of my online posts do seem relevant to scholarly and technical editing and writing. Links to such relevant items follow. In addition, I served on the editorial team for Chinese Cultural Relics, an English translation of select articles from the Chinese journal Wenwu. (Sales,…

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Hire Me

Overview of Services, Skills, and Background Summary A capable editor, rewriter, and writer, I’ve been freelancing for several years, drawing upon my broad educational, vocational, and avocational background, and always striving to optimize my work by approaching it in ways that suit my personality and aptitudes. Currently focused on acquiring and honing coding skills useful for Web development and other programming, and on acquiring projects where I can use these skills, I…

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