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bible (90)

What Would The Lone Ranger Do? Wrong Question.

John Crotts. Loving the Church: God's People Flourishing in God's Family. Wapwallopen, PA: Shepherd Press, 2010. ISBN 978-0-9824387-4-9. No price on cover. In Loving the Church, John Crotts, a pastor-teacher (Faith Bible Church, Sharpsburg, GA), university and seminary graduate (Liberty University, The Master's Seminary), and association board member (Fellowship of Independent Reformed Evangelicals, FIRE), seeks to counter an epidemic, documented by pollster George Barna (26-7) and journalist Julia Duin (27-8), of Christians…

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Holidays and Tattoos, and The Evangelicals Who Love Them...or Not

I just (Fri Jan 4, 2013, 11:47 pm) posted the message below to a Yahoo! discussion group hosted by apologist Rob Bowman, at this URL: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/evangelicals_and_jws/message/40327. One thing I learned that will not be evident from the message below or the original post, is that a “curly” apostrophe, though it will be accepted if you paste it into the Yahoo! Groups editor and though it will display correctly in the online version of your post,…

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Confucius Say: “Gay Marriage” Debate Not About Rights

This was created as an op-ed for the U-T San Diego, my local paper, and posted here as a draft on the same day I emailed it to the U-T (that is, 08 December 2012, the day of the U-T article that prompted my remarks). It would not be made visible here until I either got some sort of response from the U-T or decided that a positive response was unlikely. One…

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To See Scripture’s Plain Meaning Requires A PIOUS Eye

Do Christians disagree in their interpretations of Scripture because Scripture is unclear, perhaps because spiritual truths transcend human language and so cannot be perfectly captured in words? Though many today would answer, “yes,” Samuel Hopkins, writing at the end of the 1700s, answers with a resounding (and pious) “no.” (By the way....Though the Kindle edition I'm reading has significant defects, such as numerous OCR errors and lack of an Active Table of Contents, an…

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Change The Bible Doesn't Believe In

Social Justice now! Or not…. Dean C. Curry notes how those who co-opt Scripture in service of a Leftist/Liberal “social justice” agenda misrepresent what the Bible teaches. When the Bible speaks of justice, Curry informs us, it never uses that term

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Pious Prior Commitment And Choosing A Fork

Yesterday’s quote asked if Byzantine-priority or Majority Text theory is “less naturalistic and anthropocentric, and so more pious (and less impious), than the highly naturalistic and anthropocentric methodology of the eclectics.” In today’s quote, the late Theodore P. Letis answers in the affirmative. The text quoted, last I checked, was out of print and not easy to find used. (Not at a reasonable price, at any rate.) Some of Letis’ papers found…

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Forked Path In The Forest of New Testament Manuscripts

Maurice Robinson contrasts the Byzantine-priority (AKA Majority Text) approach to New Testament Textual Criticism, which he favors (and which in turn favors such versions as the King James, 21st Century King James, and New King James), to the dominant eclectic approaches that lie behind the New Testaments of almost all contemporary Bible versions (such as the New International, English Standard, and New Living, to name three popular selections). Is Robinson's approach less…

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Pious Ranking of Information Sources

Tim Chaffey and Jason Lisle explain how and why Scripture must take precedence over (theories about) nature in Christian scientific work. ...since the Bible has never been wrong about anything, and since it is the very Word of the One who knows everything, we must place our confidence in the Bible above all other sources of information. Many old-earth creationists do not accept this principle. Instead, they have a tendency to put…

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Pious Confidence

Edward F. Hills, in his Believing Bible Study, notes how Christian confidence should be grounded in faith, not faith grounded in Christian confidence. For many years the thinking of conservative Christians has been a house divided against itself, orthodox in some respects but rationalistic in others....This, however, is a sad mistake, for rationalism turns true religion upside down. It makes our faith in God and in His Word depend on our confidence…

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Pious Apologetics

Greg L. Bahnsen, in his Presuppositional Apologetics: Stated and Defended, offers insight on the properly pious Christian approach to apologetics. In Scripture, God requires Christian believers to subject every thought captive to the obedience of Christ. This is not done if the apologist attempts to use unbiased premises and non-committed logic to persuade his opponent....If every thought is to be subjected to Christ’s authority, then we must not attempt to set forth…

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Hermeneutical Maxim (Against Various "Wax Nose" Hermeneutics)

No matter how clever, sophisticated, erudite, linguistically astute, or stunningly beautiful in its complexity your interpretive scheme may be, if it requires you to ignore or dismiss patently clear passages of Scripture, or to interpret them to mean what any honest reader will admit they do not mean, your interpretive scheme cannot be correct.

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About Pious Eye (Legacy)

This site’s old “About” was a depressing piece of business, no doubt about it. Though my convictions were strong, I was “not a happy camper.” Truth be told, I remain a melancholy individual. Except for some alleged cheerfulness during infancy, in fact, I’ve always been such. I don’t foresee this changing radically in the future. — D.M.H., 03 May 2024< Though for a time the site’s founder made an effort to cultivate…

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