White-and-red image of classic typewriter on black background.

bible (90)

Will, Sensibility, and Tangents

Below: some preliminary remarks on a terminological issue related to a book in progress. The book: George Will’s The Conservative Sensibility (New York: Hachette Books, 2019). The issue: “This is a republic, not a democracy—let’s keep it that way!” to quote a John Birch Society sticker you’ve probably never seen. The content: main remarks and tangents. In The Conservative Sensibility, Will brings together various strands of discussion that have grown in prevalence…

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Compulsiveness Prompts Letters, Emails, and (So Much) More

Welcome to this latest edition in my “...Prompts Letter(s)” series. The materials following should bring you and this site up to date. Not addressed in detail in my various items below, though touched upon by one of them, is the efforts by Democrats to claim the moral high ground based on Trump’s long history of poor personal morals and on the simultaneous widespread support of Trump by self-identified evangelical Christians. As indicated…

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Just How Evil Is Tucker Carlson?

The mainstream media were briefly abuzz last week over left-liberal Media Matters’ unearthing of some old Tucker Carlson audio. Media Matters’ Madeline Peltz begins her related article (topically organized transcript collection) with a summary of Carlson’s bad behavior, part of which reads as follows: Between 2006 and 2011, Tucker Carlson spent approximately an hour a week calling in to Bubba the Love Sponge [BTLS], a popular shock jock radio program where he…

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Zuhdi Jasser: Is Enlightenment Reason-Worship Cure for Islamism?

Image: Islamic symbol modified for the Pious Eye site by David M. Hodges. Based upon a work by Wikimedia user DonovanCrow, used under the CC BY-SA 4.0 license and available from Wikimedia Commons. In accord with that license, this modified image may itself be used under the same license term. I posted a comment on a YouTube video. As the PC censors at YouTube might not permit these comments to display, I’ll…

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Erratum: Trampling on TULIP

This is my first entry in the new errata category, which in all likelihood will one day be the category with the most posts. Entries in the category will note instances where I have erred or might have erred in past statements, here on the Pious Eye site or (possibly) elsewhere. Minor errors, such as typos and complex sentences that seem to lose track of where they’re going, will simply be corrected…

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One Lord, One Faith, One Olive Tree

Covenant theology is not “replacement” theology. Its point is that the olive tree that is God’s people, the church, is a single tree, not two trees growing side by side with different promises and different futures (Romans 11). Though I don’t agree with everything in the following video series (the speaker is a Presbyterian and a Theonomist), it contains enough interesting and sound material to merit viewing: Joe Morecraft III lectures on…

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Christ-Centered Hermeneutics: A Binge-Worthy Video Series

While, from a Bible-believing perspective, popular entertainment never merits the “binge-worthy” descriptor, it turns out there are some online resources that do. Combining a speaker’s presentation of sound theology with a digitally generated environment reminiscent of DOS-based computer games, this series from 2006, which I just discovered, is an example: David P. Murray speaks on fundamental issues of biblical hermeneutics (interpretation) for freechurchseminary.org (posted by Stornoway Free Church).

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Visit (to Library) Prompts Letter (to Publisher): Sikh Edition

This is a letter I just wrote to an organization promoting Sikhism, the youngest of the so-called “world religions.” Encountering some Sikh beliefs in a recent editing project, I became curious, visited my local library, and checked out the Sikh Religion book identified in the letter. (To be precise, I put in a request for the two books on the subject listed in the library system’s online catalog, received notification that one…

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Moore, #MeToo Lamentations

Though I’ve given up both major parties as hopeless cases (David M. Hodges, “Constitution or Libertarian Party: Which for the Pious? Pious Eye site, 18 May 2016), I’m saddened by some things about the defeat of Republican Roy Moore (Senate candidate, Alabama special election, 12 December 2017), the accusations that made it happen, and the discussion surrounding those accusations. Aspects of related recent news (#metoo) also make me sad. Though construing Moore’s…

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Worth Reading...with Healthy Skepticism: Carrin's Spirit-Empowered Theology

Carrin, Charles, D.D. Spirit-Empowered Theology. Minneapolis: Chosen, 2007. 351 pages. $19.99 retail. ISBN 978-0-8007-9817-8. I am not part of the signs-and-wonders (Pentecostal, charismatic, and Third Wave) movement, nor has this book tempted me to join up. Though my Reformed Baptist convictions remain intact, I did find Spirit-Empowered Theology enjoyable reading overall, sometimes edifying (96-7, e.g.), and a good survey of the signs-and-wonders way of thinking. I admit that Carrin’s overuse of “impact”…

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