Show Future Police State You Must Be Eliminated: Sign Today!
I continue to sign online petitions. While not so deluded as to believe signing these will have any influence on policy (all my representatives have strong ideological commitments, either in agreement with or opposed to my own, so that no change in their actions or rhetoric can realistically be expected), signing them does make me “feel better” for a time, and I hope gives some encouragement to those who have gone to the trouble to create and post the petitions. That said, here's the latest batch. I encourage you to sign them yourself if you agree with them, if for no other reason than to encourage others who also agree with them.
Impeach Senator Diane Feinstein for violating her oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States by advocating “assault weapons ban” legislation.
Urge president Obama not to infringe 2nd Amendment rights as he seems inclined to do.
Sign this petition to affirm that, "If Gun Free Zones are sufficient protection for our children, then Gun Free Zones should be good enough for politicians." The point, of course, is that Gun Free Zone are not good enough for the children.
Second verse, same as the first: Create “Gun Free Politician Zones” for all politicians who support “Gun Free School Zones.”
Call upon president, elected officials to protect the rights of U.S. citizens to posses firearms.
Call upon president to make rescuing US Citizen Robert Levinson, held hostage in the Middle East since 2007, a top priority.
You've seen the press conference video (haven't you?), now sign the petition calling upon the president to support and fully endorse the National Rifle Association's “National School Shield” Program.
Petition to Stop Planned Parenthood's Taxpayer Funding.
Petition to Stop ObamaCare's Abortion Pill Penalties.